Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cooper Interviews Friedman

This mildly interesting interview between Anderson Cooper of CNN and Thomas Friedman shows us distributing flowers on Tahrir square at around minute 1:15.  I knew once they messed with Cooper's hair Mubarak was a goner.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Flower Power

I've resigned from the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation for numerous reasons that unfortunately I cannot now disclose. I decided to take the opportunity of being unemployed to travel to Egypt with my friend Sathari. I was hoping that President Mubarak would have the decency to resign quickly, but clearly that is not happening. This might actually be good, as his VP, known as "The Torturer" is not a better option.

I was blessed with the opportunity to join Code Pink in giving flowers to the mass of demonstrators in "Liberation Square" last Friday. The experience is one I will never forget. Men and women burst into tears, hugged and kissed us, and swarmed around us wanting to know who we were and where we came from. When we told them we were from America, they were all the more excited. American citizens offering solidarity (in the form of flowers) as an alternative to the billions of dollars of weapons (including tear gas) used against them affirmed their basic belief that the American people are good people, and that the problem they have is with the American government.

To follow the details of this adventure please keep up with - my inclination is to favor action over writing.

I will share articles, videos, tweets, and pictures that I think offer a fair presentation of this revolution regularly.



#Jan25 Egypt - Omar Offendum, The Narcicyst, Freeway, Ayah, Amir Sulaima...